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A challenge to the South African mining sector should be to not only get society to recognise the significant contribution that the mining sector is making but also to raise the ante in contributing further to the growth and development of the country.

-Cyril Ramaphosa, President

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What we do

The Department of Minerals and Resources (DMR), has raised concerns around the Corporate Social Investment (CSI) and Local Economic Development (LED) programmes of mining companies. They have queried just how much - or how little, in their eyes - these corporates are devoting to economically and socially empowering South African communities where mining operations take place.

While some of these concerns may be justified, this is largely a misconception, primarily because of a lack of exposure regarding the initiatives in which these mining companies are involved, and just how much of a financial injection they are actually making.

Mining CSI magazine seeks to rectify this, because the fact is that on an annual basis South African mining companies are making substantial financial investments into Corporate Social Investment via Social and Labour Plans (SLP’s) as prescribed by the Minerals and Petroleum Resource Development Act (MPRDA, 2002) in South Africa, and uplifting communities across the country.